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We at OVMF pray without ceasing for God’s fresh anointing and revelation. We are truly a body ministry. Because our heavenly Father is faithful, He continues to add to that body…soul by soul, gift by gift. We are thankful for each new addition.

If you share the vision and beliefs of One Voice Music Festival, and have an unquenchable passion for the Lord, then please prayerfully consider joining the team.

We pray that the Lord will lead your heart to partner with us in any or all of the following ways…

Prayer Partners

Mountains have been moved and walls brought to rubble as a result of the fervent prayers of God’s people. It is a powerful tool. At OVMF, we bathe every move, every decision in prayer. This is God’s ministry and we walk in fear and trembling of straying from the center of His will. We ask that you would begin today to lift One Voice Music Festival up in daily prayer. Please be specific…God is in the details.

Prayers for the OVMF team

• Deep understanding and revelation of God’s Word
• Spiritual, emotional and physical health
• Boldness to be salt and light to a dying world
• Strength against a formidable enemy
• Godly wisdom
• A spirit of unity
• Death to self
• Manifestation of the fruits of the Spirit in each of our lives
• God’s provision, leading and vision for this ministry

Prayers for those who minister at OVMF

• The anointing of the Holy Spirit
• A word in season
• Travel mercies
• Continued blessings on their individual lives and ministries

Prayers for all OVMF attendees

• Salvation for all
• Spiritual refreshing
• The love of Christ to be spread through their.thoughts and deeds

Financial Partners

One Voice Music Festival is a non-profit Christian event. Because OVMF is free, we must rely on the generosity of friends and neighbors to underwrite the cost. Our food concession and silent auction bring in a very small portion of the amount needed to make OVMF happen. The cost of a barebones, three-day festival is $23,000…..that’s no frills--excluding advertising and the cost of headlining musical artists. Barebones does not exude the spirit of excellence that God desires of us.

Each year we step out in faith and God has returned that faithfulness with provision. This year, He has set a new vision before us. He has raised the spiritual bar and we must rise to meet the challenge. Not only meeting the challenge, we must strive to go beyond.. Nothing less will do.

This is where our financial partners become a crucial part of the team. If you have been blessed by your OVMF experience in the past, or if you simply feel God leading you to give, we pray that you too will rise to meet the challenge and give according to the blessings you have received.

Suggested methods of giving:

Lump Sum Gift:
For occasional or one time giving

Pledge Form:
For monthly or quarterly giving

Click for printable pledge form

Please make all checks payable to One Voice Music Festival

Be assured that all giving will be used solely and completely toward the continuing ministry of One Voice Music Festival. If you’d like a year-end tax statement, simply check the box on the pledge form.

As always, we thank you with humble, grateful hearts. May the Lord whose love is better than life bless you abundantly for your support of His Kingdom work.

Volunteer Partners

OVMF 2007 is already in the works. Bands are being booked, and teams are being formed to perform the many, many responsibilities that go along with an event of this size.

Current Personnel Needs:

Food Concession
Family Fun Zone
Merchandise Sales
Set up/Tear down
Catering (VIP Area)

If you feel the Lord leading you to join the OVMF team, we welcome you with open arms!

Please contact for details:
Rich Martsolf


Three Days...Two Tents...One Voice


Groups Subject to Change

Three Days...Two Tents...One Voice


Labor Day Weekend, Fri • Sat • Sun


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