The Singing Pomeroy's


The Singing Pomeroy's are a spirit-filled family ministry team made up of Brian and Christine (Mom & Dad) along with Amber (14) and Keith (12). Being called into the ministry and given such a powerful anointing by God, blessed would be the word that best describes the ministry God has placed us in.

The Singing Pomeroy's Background…Brian was raised in a Christian home. Though he never came to the Lord until 1995 and knew he was to be singing. I, Christine, on the other hand, came from a worldly home finding the Lord at age 12. Both of the kids gave their heart to the Lord at age 8. After singing for several years the children showed interest in singing. We cut an album as a family this year.
The Singing Pomeroy's to date…The Lord is moving our ministry out into many new avenues. As of this year we released a song, “Hem of His Garment” that is now on Three charts. It is in the top 20. Praise God. As of this month we released,”Look What The Lord Has Done”. Also come November we will be on the cover of Glory Train Magazine with an article on our ministry. U.S Gospel News will also have an article on us for November. We have been on several TV stations. Then just a couple of months ago we ministered at a prison for the first time.

Committed to Ministry....As of August 1st 2004, The Singing Pomeroy's stepped out in Faith and accepted the call to full-time ministry. God has entrusted us with his Holy Word; therefore, we have made a commitment to adhere to his calling and leading through Music, Testimony, and His Word. We are honored that God called us. We will not turn back only strive to fulfill this great calling for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Our calling to the Ministry.... We feel that we are more then just singers. God has called us to go out into the world with a message of the Good News! We stand on Isaiah 61:1. We believe that through our songs, Testimony, And His Word captives will be set free, yokes destroyed, souls saved.... and much more. Victory lies in the praise of Gods people. That is why we believe that an atmosphere of worship will bring a great out-pouring of God's Spirit. That as people truly pour out their hearts to God His blessings will flow. We have seen many souls saved and His children delivered. Praise God for His Mercy and Grace.
Love in Christ,

"The Singing Pomeroy's"

Three Days...Two Tents...One Voice


Club Rock

Club Harmony

Family Fun Zone


Labor Day Weekend, Fri • Sat • Sun

Hookstown Fairgrounds

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